SZ/TQ/1/3 - [Tots and Quots. Procedure, membership and guests]
[Tots and Quots. Procedure, membership and guests]
23 leaves
Contains meeting notes, lists of guests and members, discussion topics, and related correspondence.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/TQ - [Tots and Quots]
SZ/TQ/1 - [Tots and Quots. Procedures, minutes and correspondence]
- SZ/TQ/1/3 - [Tots and Quots. Procedure, membership and guests]
SZ/TQ/1 - [Tots and Quots. Procedures, minutes and correspondence]
SZ/TQ - [Tots and Quots]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/1 - [Notebook: Tots and Quots notes]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/2 - [List of members and rules, 1931-1933 and 1939]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/3 - [Tots and Quots guest list]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/4 - [Tots and Quots attendances, 1940-1944]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/5 - [Letter, A.M. Vidal-Hall to E.J. Carter, 31/8/42]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/6 - [Letter, Bobby Carter to SZ, 22/10/42]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/7 - [List of Tots and Quots members]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/8 - [List of Tots and Quots members, 9/2/43]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/9 - [List of Tots and Quots members, 10/41]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/10 - [Letter, E.J. Carter to Miss Vidal-Hall, 12/1/46]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/11 - Tots and Quots members.
- SZ/TQ/1/3/12 - [Letter, A.M. Vidal-Hall to E.J. Carter, undated]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/13 - [Addresses for Jacketts and W/Cdr Hall, undated]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/14-15 - [Titles of Tots and Quots talks given in 1931-1933, and a list of discussion subjects]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/16-17 - [Tots and Quots meeting dates]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/18-19 - [Subjects discussed at Tots and Quots meetings]
- SZ/TQ/1/3/20-21 - Tots and Quots members
- SZ/TQ/1/3/22-23 - Tots and Quots guests