SZ/OEMU/3/2 - [OEMU. Blast, experimental. Blast pressures]
[OEMU. Blast, experimental. Blast pressures]
12 items Mixed
Blast pressure
Discusses work and experiments on blast pressure.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/OEMU - Ministry of Home Security, Oxford Extra-Mural Unit
SZ/OEMU/3 - [OEMU. Blast, experimental]
- SZ/OEMU/3/2 - [OEMU. Blast, experimental. Blast pressures]
SZ/OEMU/3 - [OEMU. Blast, experimental]
SZ/OEMU - Ministry of Home Security, Oxford Extra-Mural Unit
- SZ/OEMU/3/2/1 - [Letter, A.H. Davis to SZ, 28/8/40]
- SZ/OEMU/3/2/2 - [Letter, SZ to W. Thomas, 10/9/40]
- SZ/OEMU/3/2/3 - [Letter, SZ to H. Sheard, 12/9/40]
- SZ/OEMU/3/2/4 - [Letter, SZ to A.H. Davis, 21/9/40]
- SZ/OEMU/3/2/5 - Notes about pressures of surface charges such as we fire in our experiments, 1/10/40
- SZ/OEMU/3/2/6 - [Letter, SZ to H. Sheard, 21/7/41]
- SZ/OEMU/3/2/7 - [Letter, D.G. Christopherson to SZ, 5/11/41]
- SZ/OEMU/3/2/8-9 - Table of Expected Blast Pressures, [undated]
- SZ/OEMU/3/2/10 - [Tabulations of blast pressures, undated]
- SZ/OEMU/3/2/11 - Peak Blast Pressures from German Mines & Bombs [undated]
- SZ/OEMU/3/2/12 - [Letter, A.H. Davis to SZ, 7/8/42]