SZ/OEMU/18/3 - [Rothamsted Experimental Station: Memoranda on standardised casualty rate (SCR) and vulnerable area (VA) calculations, 1941-1943]
[Rothamsted Experimental Station: Memoranda on standardised casualty rate (SCR) and vulnerable area (VA) calculations, 1941-1943]
19 items
Standardized casualty rate -- Calculations
Vulnerable area -- Calculations
World War, 1939-1945 -- Air raid casualties
Bombing, Aerial Casualty surveys.
Vulnerable area -- Calculations
World War, 1939-1945 -- Air raid casualties
Bombing, Aerial Casualty surveys.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/OEMU - Ministry of Home Security, Oxford Extra-Mural Unit
SZ/OEMU/18 - [Rothamsted Experimental Station]
- SZ/OEMU/18/3 - [Rothamsted Experimental Station: Memoranda on standardised casualty rate (SCR) and vulnerable area (VA) calculations, 1941-1943]
SZ/OEMU/18 - [Rothamsted Experimental Station]
SZ/OEMU - Ministry of Home Security, Oxford Extra-Mural Unit
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- SZ/OEMU/18/3/1 - The estimation of vulnerable areas. Efficiency of different methods, F. Yates, 22/3/41
- SZ/OEMU/18/3/2-4 - Evaluation of standardised casualty rates of people in dwelling houses for bombs of different sizes
- SZ/OEMU/18/3/5-6 - Vulnerable areas of dwelling houses for bombs of different sizes, F.Y., 22/7/42
- SZ/OEMU/18/3/7-9 - Evaluation of standardised casualty rates of people in the open for bombs of different sizes, F.Y., 22/7/42
- SZ/OEMU/18/3/10-11 - Evaluation of standardised casualty rates of people in Anderson shelters for bombs of different sizes, F.Y., 21/8/42
- SZ/OEMU/18/3/12-14 - Evaluation of standardised casualty rates of bombs from fragmentation data, F.Y., 14/9/42
- SZ/OEMU/18/3/15 - [Appendices II, III, and IV, undated]
- SZ/OEMU/18/3/16-17 - Vulnerable area of A.P.I.B.'s, O.K., 5/1/43
- SZ/OEMU/18/3/18 - Note on assessment of effect of bombs on buildings, F.Y., 28/4/43
- SZ/OEMU/18/3/19 - [Handwritten note, undated]