SZ/CSA/7/5 - [Letter, G.J. Spence to SZ, 15/6/61]
[Letter, G.J. Spence to SZ, 15/6/61]
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Zuckerman, Solly, 1904-1993 recipient
Spence sends draft letters to specific personnel in certain universities. These letters invite them to take part in a spot check in their universities of technicians engaged in research.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/7 - [CSA. Proportion of technicians engaged in research]
- SZ/CSA/7/5 - [Letter, G.J. Spence to SZ, 15/6/61]
SZ/CSA/7 - [CSA. Proportion of technicians engaged in research]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]