SZ/CSA/7/20-21 - [Letter, SZ to S.V. Perry, 27/6/61]
[Letter, SZ to S.V. Perry, 27/6/61]
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Perry, Samuel Victor, recipient
Shotton, F. W. recipient
SZ thanks Perry for the information concerning technician time spent on research. SZ would be comparing the universities' stand in relation to the Scientific Civil Service.
A second copy is sent to F.W.Shotton.
A second copy is sent to F.W.Shotton.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/7 - [CSA. Proportion of technicians engaged in research]
- SZ/CSA/7/20-21 - [Letter, SZ to S.V. Perry, 27/6/61]
SZ/CSA/7 - [CSA. Proportion of technicians engaged in research]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]