SZ/CSA/38/38 - [8th European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy]
[8th European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy]
2 sub items Letters (typescript)
Blackmore, D. F.
European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy (8th : 1965 : Copenhagen)
Scandinavian Airlines System
Scandinavian Airlines System
Contains a letter from D.F. Blackmore advertising Scandinavian Airlines System's flights to Copenhagen, venue of the conference, and SZ's reply.
Not catalogued to sub item level.
Contains a letter from D.F. Blackmore advertising Scandinavian Airlines System's flights to Copenhagen, venue of the conference, and SZ's reply.
Not catalogued to sub item level.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/38 - [CSA. Miscellaneous invitations 1963-1965]
- SZ/CSA/38/38 - [8th European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy]
SZ/CSA/38 - [CSA. Miscellaneous invitations 1963-1965]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]