SZ/CSA/32/8 - Defence Board presentation. Script for part II, item 1 - Carlisle study, 15/11/61
Defence Board presentation. Script for part II, item 1 - Carlisle study, 15/11/61
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In this part of the presentation the effects are described of one 20 kiloton bomb and one 100 kiloton bomb aimed at disrupting the railway facilities in a transport centre - Carlisle. The objective was to make the town impassable in order to assist a land battle somewhere else.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/32 - [CSA. Notes of presentation to the Defence Board]
- SZ/CSA/32/8 - Defence Board presentation. Script for part II, item 1 - Carlisle study, 15/11/61
SZ/CSA/32 - [CSA. Notes of presentation to the Defence Board]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]