SZ/CSA/32/5 - Defence Board presentation. Script for part I, item 2 - Leningrad study, 7/11/61
Defence Board presentation. Script for part I, item 2 - Leningrad study, 7/11/61
6 leaves
McDonald, A. G. recipient
Study of the effects of an attack on an intergrated economic region of the Soviet Union.
Paper by Dr E. Anstey and Dr A.G. McDonald.
Paper by Dr E. Anstey and Dr A.G. McDonald.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/32 - [CSA. Notes of presentation to the Defence Board]
- SZ/CSA/32/5 - Defence Board presentation. Script for part I, item 2 - Leningrad study, 7/11/61
SZ/CSA/32 - [CSA. Notes of presentation to the Defence Board]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]