SZ/CSA/189/1 - [Telegram, R.G. Voysey to G. Owen, 14/3/69]
[Telegram, R.G. Voysey to G. Owen, 14/3/69]
1 leaf Telegrams
Owen, Glyn recipient
Provides figures relating to quotas of shipments and exports. Annotated by Owen "Sir Solly - for page 8 of your lecture."
A second copy is at [SZ/CSA/189/3].
A second copy is at [SZ/CSA/189/3].
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/189 - [CSA. Science based industries in the United States]
- SZ/CSA/189/1 - [Telegram, R.G. Voysey to G. Owen, 14/3/69]
SZ/CSA/189 - [CSA. Science based industries in the United States]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
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