SZ/CSA/18/18-19 - Notes for address to the Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, [undated]
Notes for address to the Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, [undated]
21 leaves
Chemical industry
Association of British Chemical Manufacturers
Association of British Chemical Manufacturers
Discusses the achievements and advances of the British chemical industry, and its employment figures, and compares the industry with its American counterpart.
Two copies. [SZ/CSA/18/18] full text, [SZ/CSA/18/19] notes. Covering letter attached [SZ/CSA/18/17].
Two copies. [SZ/CSA/18/18] full text, [SZ/CSA/18/19] notes. Covering letter attached [SZ/CSA/18/17].
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/18 - [CSA. Miscellaneous publications and lectures]
- SZ/CSA/18/18-19 - Notes for address to the Association of British Chemical Manufacturers, [undated]
SZ/CSA/18 - [CSA. Miscellaneous publications and lectures]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]