SZ/CSA/174/37 - Cockcroft Memorial Appeal, [undated]
Cockcroft Memorial Appeal, [undated]
2 leaves
Details the contribution of Sir John Cockcroft to the Pugwash movement, the need for funds if the movement is to continue following Cockcroft's death, and how donations can be made.
SZ/CSA/174/36, SZ/CSA/174/38
Related items attached [SZ/CSA/174/36, SZ/CSA/174/38].
SZ/CSA/174/36, SZ/CSA/174/38
Related items attached [SZ/CSA/174/36, SZ/CSA/174/38].
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/174 - [CSA. Support for the Pugwash movement]
- SZ/CSA/174/37 - Cockcroft Memorial Appeal, [undated]
SZ/CSA/174 - [CSA. Support for the Pugwash movement]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]