SZ/CSA/174/18 - Pugwash. Note for the record, 18/7/68
Pugwash. Note for the record, 18/7/68
1 leaf
Rotblat, Joseph
Milligan, F. R.
Milligan, F. R.
Society for Education in the Applications of Science
Rayne Foundation
Rayne Foundation
SZ has spoken to Rotblat who will let SZ have a note on the status of Pugwash and SEAS. Air Commodore Milligan of the Rayne Foundation has been told that SZ is looking into the charity side of things and will be in touch.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/174 - [CSA. Support for the Pugwash movement]
- SZ/CSA/174/18 - Pugwash. Note for the record, 18/7/68
SZ/CSA/174 - [CSA. Support for the Pugwash movement]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]