SZ/CSA/174/11 - Pugwash, 1/4/68
Pugwash, 1/4/68
1 leaf
Powell, C. F.
Flowers, Brian,
Millionschikov, M. D.
Flowers, Brian,
Millionschikov, M. D.
Wolfson Foundation
Nuffield Foundation
Ford Foundation
Nuffield Foundation
Ford Foundation
Details talks between SZ, Prof. Powell and Prof. Flowers regarding how to raise funds to enable Pugwash to continue operating in London. SZ did not think that the Wolfson Foundation would help, nor would a Cockcroft memorial fund be any use. The Ford or Nuffield Foundations would be more likely to help than the government, and SZ reported Academician Millionschikov's assurance that he would match in sterling whatever sum United Kingdom sources raised.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/174 - [CSA. Support for the Pugwash movement]
- SZ/CSA/174/11 - Pugwash, 1/4/68
SZ/CSA/174 - [CSA. Support for the Pugwash movement]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]