SZ/CSA/152/28 - Loch Ness monster may be real say R.A.F. experts. The Sunday Express, 20/2/66
Loch Ness monster may be real say R.A.F. experts. The Sunday Express, 20/2/66
1 leaf Press cuttings
United Kingdom. Air Force
Describes the findings of an examination of a cine film which was carried out by the RAF. The film was taken five years before.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/152 - [CSA. Investigations in Loch Ness]
- SZ/CSA/152/28 - Loch Ness monster may be real say R.A.F. experts. The Sunday Express, 20/2/66
SZ/CSA/152 - [CSA. Investigations in Loch Ness]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]