SZ/CSA/146/3 - [Letter, SZ to T.C.S. Morrison-Scott, 8/5/67]
[Letter, SZ to T.C.S. Morrison-Scott, 8/5/67]
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Torrey Canyon (ship)
Birds, Protection of
Oil spills and wildlife
Animals (journal)
Birds, Protection of
Oil spills and wildlife
Animals (journal)
Morrison-Scott, Terence Charles Stuart, recipient
SZ urges Morrison-Scott to write to 'Animals' and voice his opinion on the 'Torrey Canyon' disaster and its affects on birdlife. SZ remarks on the low survuval rate of birds even after intervention, and he suggests that they not even be tried to be saved. The actual effect on a species after such a disaster is only known after at least a year hence. Unnecessary speculation is therefore not necessary.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/146 - [CSA. Correspondence with Sir T. Morrison-Scott]
- SZ/CSA/146/3 - [Letter, SZ to T.C.S. Morrison-Scott, 8/5/67]
SZ/CSA/146 - [CSA. Correspondence with Sir T. Morrison-Scott]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]