SZ/CSA/130/86 - Prospectus for a health and biomedical planning institute (HABPI), 26/7/68
Prospectus for a health and biomedical planning institute (HABPI), 26/7/68
17 leaves
Discusses the role of the institute, university involvement, study programmes, and organisation.
SZ/CSA/130/84-85, SZ/CSA/130/87
Related items attached [SZ/CSA/130/84-85, SZ/CSA/130/87].
SZ/CSA/130/84-85, SZ/CSA/130/87
Related items attached [SZ/CSA/130/84-85, SZ/CSA/130/87].
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/130 - [CSA. Miscellaneous U.S. correspondence]
- SZ/CSA/130/86 - Prospectus for a health and biomedical planning institute (HABPI), 26/7/68
SZ/CSA/130 - [CSA. Miscellaneous U.S. correspondence]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]