SZ/CSA/118/2/2 - General comprehensive disarmament or limited measures of arms control, 21/3/61
General comprehensive disarmament or limited measures of arms control, 21/3/61
10 leaves
Discusses the four policies open to the west: continue in an arms race; unilateral shift in policy to make use of arms less likely; an explicit multilateral disarmament agreement; and unilateral disarmament.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/118 - [CSA. Correspondence - Correspondents Y]
SZ/CSA/118/2 - [CSA. Correspondence with Wayland Young]
- SZ/CSA/118/2/2 - General comprehensive disarmament or limited measures of arms control, 21/3/61
SZ/CSA/118/2 - [CSA. Correspondence with Wayland Young]
SZ/CSA/118 - [CSA. Correspondence - Correspondents Y]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]