SZ/CSA/115/19/15 - A center for studies on brain and behavior, [undated]
A center for studies on brain and behavior, [undated]
8 leaves
Discusses the importance of the subject, the need for such an institute, its location and personnel, and building requirements.
Covering letter attached [SZ/CSA/115/19/14].
Covering letter attached [SZ/CSA/115/19/14].
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/115 - [CSA. Correspondence - Correspondents S]
SZ/CSA/115/19 - [CSA. Correspondence with Dr N.S. Sutherland]
- SZ/CSA/115/19/15 - A center for studies on brain and behavior, [undated]
SZ/CSA/115/19 - [CSA. Correspondence with Dr N.S. Sutherland]
SZ/CSA/115 - [CSA. Correspondence - Correspondents S]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
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