SZ/CSA/11/29 - Finance for scientific and technological research in universities, 2/5/62
Finance for scientific and technological research in universities, 2/5/62
7 leaves
Advisory Council on Scientific Policy
Research -- Finance
Note for discussion at the next meeting of the Committee on Higher Education. The ACSP is asked to make known the lines which it wants SZ and Todd to pursue in further discussions.
Attached to [SZ/CSA/11/28].
Attached to [SZ/CSA/11/28].
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/11 - [CSA. Evidence to "Robbins" Committee on Higher Education]
- SZ/CSA/11/29 - Finance for scientific and technological research in universities, 2/5/62
SZ/CSA/11 - [CSA. Evidence to "Robbins" Committee on Higher Education]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]