SZ/CSA/100/3/6 - [Letter, Earl of Birkenhead to SZ, 20/4/61]
[Letter, Earl of Birkenhead to SZ, 20/4/61]
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Snow, C. P.
Eichmann, Adolf
Eichmann, Adolf
Zuckerman, Solly, 1904-1993 recipient
Thanks SZ for his letter which was waiting for Birkenhead on his return from the Eichmann trial. Encloses some reviews of Snow's book and extracts from his own book which deals with Cherwell and Snow's dispute over strategic bombing [SZ/CSA/100/3/7-8]. Birkenhead wants to strengthen his support for Cherwell in the face of "the very powerful onslaught." It has even been claimed that Cherwell's "lamentable advice" to the Prime Minister caused unnecessary prolongation of the war.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]
SZ/CSA/100 - [CSA. Correspondence - Correspondence B]
SZ/CSA/100/3 - [CSA. Correspondence with the Earl of Birkenhead]
- SZ/CSA/100/3/6 - [Letter, Earl of Birkenhead to SZ, 20/4/61]
SZ/CSA/100/3 - [CSA. Correspondence with the Earl of Birkenhead]
SZ/CSA/100 - [CSA. Correspondence - Correspondence B]
SZ/CSA - [Chief Scientific Adviser's papers]