SZ/BSU/4/6/3 - Sicilian body armour analysis, 3/8/45
Sicilian body armour analysis, 3/8/45
2 leaves
Splinters -- Wounds and injuries
Wounds and injuries
Wounds and injuries
MS notes examine casualty survey, in particular splinter and bullet wounds, and the regional distribution of wounds.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/BSU - [Bombing Survey Unit]
SZ/BSU/4 - [BSU. Sicily and Italy]
SZ/BSU/4/6 - [Sicilian casualties - Survey]
- SZ/BSU/4/6/3 - Sicilian body armour analysis, 3/8/45
SZ/BSU/4/6 - [Sicilian casualties - Survey]
SZ/BSU/4 - [BSU. Sicily and Italy]
SZ/BSU - [Bombing Survey Unit]
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