SZ/BSU/1/4/4 - Report on damage to enemy M.T. caused by air attack during the enemy's retreat from Tarhuna to Zuara, 2/2/43
Report on damage to enemy M.T. caused by air attack during the enemy's retreat from Tarhuna to Zuara, 2/2/43
2 leaves
Great Britain. Royal Air Force. Western Desert Command. Air Officer Commanding.
A trip was made by car between Tripoli and Zuara, a total of 88 vehicles were found alongside this road. A total of 15 vehicles were found alongside the road between Castel Benito and Tarhuna, this count was made from the air.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/BSU - [Bombing Survey Unit]
SZ/BSU/1 - [BSU. North Africa]
SZ/BSU/1/4 - [North Africa. Air attacks on tanks and military transport]
- SZ/BSU/1/4/4 - Report on damage to enemy M.T. caused by air attack during the enemy's retreat from Tarhuna to Zuara, 2/2/43
SZ/BSU/1/4 - [North Africa. Air attacks on tanks and military transport]
SZ/BSU/1 - [BSU. North Africa]
SZ/BSU - [Bombing Survey Unit]