SZ/BBSU/58/71-72 - [Signal, Bomber Command to , 16/4/45]
[Signal, Bomber Command to , 16/4/45]
1 leaf
Confirms that, with German industry disorganised or destroyed, the main task of the strategic air forces is to give direct support to land troops and attack enemy shipping.
Two copies.
Two copies.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/BBSU - British Bombing Survey Unit
SZ/BBSU/58 - [BBSU. Air Ministry files. Documents used in the BBSU overall report III]
- SZ/BBSU/58/71-72 - [Signal, Bomber Command to , 16/4/45]
SZ/BBSU/58 - [BBSU. Air Ministry files. Documents used in the BBSU overall report III]
SZ/BBSU - British Bombing Survey Unit