SZ/BBSU/58/48 - [Letter, Norman Bottomley to Bomber Command, 27/1/45]
[Letter, Norman Bottomley to Bomber Command, 27/1/45]
2 leaves
Great Britain. Royal Air Force. Bomber Command.
Portal, Charles Frederick Algernon,
World War, 1939-1945
Portal does not think large attacks on Berlin would be the correct tactic at the moment. However, attacks on Dresden, Leipzig and Chemnitz, subject to the over-riding claims of oil targets, would have a profound impact on the enemy war effort.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/BBSU - British Bombing Survey Unit
SZ/BBSU/58 - [BBSU. Air Ministry files. Documents used in the BBSU overall report III]
- SZ/BBSU/58/48 - [Letter, Norman Bottomley to Bomber Command, 27/1/45]
SZ/BBSU/58 - [BBSU. Air Ministry files. Documents used in the BBSU overall report III]
SZ/BBSU - British Bombing Survey Unit