SZ/BBSU/58/30-38 - [Letter, Arthur Tedder to Norman Bottomley, 10/4/45]
[Letter, Arthur Tedder to Norman Bottomley, 10/4/45]
1 leaf
World War, 1939-1945 -- Transport -- Germany
Bottomley, Norman Howard, recipient
Tedder believes that, now the German air force has been severely depleted, a concentrated effort should be made against German rail communications.
Nine copies.
Nine copies.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/BBSU - British Bombing Survey Unit
SZ/BBSU/58 - [BBSU. Air Ministry files. Documents used in the BBSU overall report III]
- SZ/BBSU/58/30-38 - [Letter, Arthur Tedder to Norman Bottomley, 10/4/45]
SZ/BBSU/58 - [BBSU. Air Ministry files. Documents used in the BBSU overall report III]
SZ/BBSU - British Bombing Survey Unit