SZ/BBSU/1/92 - [SZ's BBSU journal]
[SZ's BBSU journal]
16 sub items Mixed
Spaatz, Carl, 1891-1974
Ardennes, Battle of the, 1944-1945
Concentration camps
World War, 1939-1945
Concentration camps
World War, 1939-1945
Contains journal entries covering the periods 29/3/45-20/4/45, 4/5/45-14/5/45, 22/5/45-27/5/45, 9/6/45-17/6/45, and 17/8/45-2/9/45. During this time SZ's work took him to France, Germany, and Austria where he visited sites bombed during the allied air offensive, interviewed French scientists and interrogated German officials. Also contains his notes on travels through "the pocket" [site of the Battle of the Bulge]; a verbatim account of a conversation with General Spaatz on the strategy and disputes surrounding the air offensive and its successes; notes on information to be obtained concerning concentration camps; and notes on the conversation between a soldier on leave and his wife on what he had seen in France and Germany.
Not catalogued to sub item level.
Not catalogued to sub item level.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/BBSU - British Bombing Survey Unit
SZ/BBSU/1 - [BBSU. Correspondence and memoranda 1945]
- SZ/BBSU/1/92 - [SZ's BBSU journal]
SZ/BBSU/1 - [BBSU. Correspondence and memoranda 1945]
SZ/BBSU - British Bombing Survey Unit