SZ/BAU/92/13 - Fighter bomber attacks on targets in the Calais area, 31/10/44
Fighter bomber attacks on targets in the Calais area, 31/10/44
1 leaf
Describes attacks made on 3-5/10/44. Discusses the targets chosen and the damaged caused.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/BAU - Bombing Analysis Unit
SZ/BAU/92 - [B.A.U. Report No. 43 - Fighter-bomber and rocket projectile attacks]
- SZ/BAU/92/13 - Fighter bomber attacks on targets in the Calais area, 31/10/44
SZ/BAU/92 - [B.A.U. Report No. 43 - Fighter-bomber and rocket projectile attacks]
SZ/BAU - Bombing Analysis Unit
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