SZ/AEAF/1/17 - [AEAF Planning. Allocation of railway targets between Commands, with bomb estimates and numbers of aiming points.]
[AEAF Planning. Allocation of railway targets between Commands, with bomb estimates and numbers of aiming points.]
25 items
Contains 27 items being tables listing transportation targets in Germany, France and Belgium to be attacked by allied air forces in support of Operation Overlord, with calculations of the effort required in terms of bomb tonnage and numbers of aircraft and identifying the Commands to which their attack was allotted.
SZ - Zuckerman Archive
SZ/AEAF - [Allied Expeditionary Air Force]
SZ/AEAF/1 - [AEAF Planning]
- SZ/AEAF/1/17 - [AEAF Planning. Allocation of railway targets between Commands, with bomb estimates and numbers of aiming points.]
SZ/AEAF/1 - [AEAF Planning]
SZ/AEAF - [Allied Expeditionary Air Force]
- SZ/AEAF/1/17/8-10 - Occupied Territory and Germany [Table, Plan A & B, Bomb estimate/ Cover received], 17/3/44
- SZ/AEAF/1/17/1-7 - Bomber Command Estimates. [Table showing average density of bombs in target area]
- SZ/AEAF/1/17/11-12 - Occupied Territory and Germany [Table, Plan A & B. long tons - Bomb estimates, BC/own], 17/3/44
- SZ/AEAF/1/17/13 - Alphabetical list of Transportation Targets selected and cleared for attack, 20/4/44 and Allotment, priority & categorisation of Transportation Targets selected and cleared for attack
- SZ/AEAF/1/17/14-15 - Transportation targets selected for attack. Germany
- SZ/AEAF/1/17/16 - Transportation targets selected for attack. Occupied Territory
- SZ/AEAF/1/17/17 - [Table. Attacks by RAF Bomber Command on Trappes and Le Mans, 6/7th and 7/8th March 1944]
- SZ/AEAF/1/17/18 - Attacks against locomotives & trains
- SZ/AEAF/1/17/19 - Railway Targets. Effect on effort of variation in proportion allotted to Bomber Command and the 8th Air Force.
- SZ/AEAF/1/17/20-21 - [Railroad targets allotted to Bomber Command, VIIIth AIr Force, US IXth Air Force, US XVth Air Force]
- SZ/AEAF/1/17/22 - [Table: Germany/outside Germany - area, bombs, points of aim, locomotives based, wagons per 24 hours in units of 1000]
- SZ/AEAF/1/17/23 - [Table showing proportion of bombs falling, on average, within the target area for 15 French and Belgian targets]
- SZ/AEAF/1/17/24 - Bomber Command attacks on Amiens Rly Centre
- SZ/AEAF/1/17/25 - [Railway targets Germay/Outside Germany targets - long tons. No. of aircraft]