RD/TW/5/10/2 - Printed extracts
Printed extracts
Contains photocopies from printed works: Notebooks – on woods, by John Fowles; chapter on Hardy’s insects from 'Reading Hardy’s Landscapes', by Michael Irwin; 'Seahenge', by Frances Pryor; 'Hengeworld' (woodhenge), by Mike Pitts; 'The Wood Pigeon', by R.K. Murton; 'The Mole', by Kenneth Mellanby; 'The Rabbit', by Harry V. Thompson; 'The Life of the Shrew', by Peter Crowcroft; chapter 6 “Speak, memory” of Nabokov’s 'Butterflies', by Brian Boyd; 'Ecology of Sumatra', vol.1, Tony Whitton; 'Trees, Wood and Timber in Greek History', by Oliver Rackham; 'Woodland Management, Products and Uses Since 1250'. [Contained in one black ring-binder].
RD - Roger Deakin Archive
RD/TW - 'Touching Wood'
RD/TW/5 - Research files
RD/TW/5/10 - Printed extracts
- RD/TW/5/10/2 - Printed extracts
RD/TW/5/10 - Printed extracts
RD/TW/5 - Research files
RD/TW - 'Touching Wood'