PP/44/1/365 - [Slide, graph of G.N.P. (estimated), 1920-1980]
[Slide, graph of G.N.P. (estimated), 1920-1980]
Slides, photographic (monochrome)
Gross national product
A graph shows the gross national product for the United Kingdom, France and Germany.
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/44 - [Pritchard audio-visual collection : including slides, films and tapes]
PP/44/1 - [Pritchard archive - photographic slides]
- PP/44/1/365 - [Slide, graph of G.N.P. (estimated), 1920-1980]
PP/44/1 - [Pritchard archive - photographic slides]
PP/44 - [Pritchard audio-visual collection : including slides, films and tapes]