PP/43/1/57 - Snape - The Next Step [Letter, Derek Sugden to John Trew, 3/1/75]
Snape - The Next Step [Letter, Derek Sugden to John Trew, 3/1/75]
2 leaves Letters (typescript)
Arup Associates Architects and Engineers
Snape Maltings
Snape Maltings
Trew, John. recipient
Sugden summarises "the three methods by which the 'next steps' at Snape [Maltings] could be handled". He cannot provide "a partial service" and as a company "Arups could not help in a formal professional way, but I would like to think that my opinion can be sought"
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/43 - Aldeburgh Festival
PP/43/1 - Aldeburgh Festival Council
- PP/43/1/57 - Snape - The Next Step [Letter, Derek Sugden to John Trew, 3/1/75]
PP/43/1 - Aldeburgh Festival Council
PP/43 - Aldeburgh Festival