Home  / PP/4/1/16/31 - [Letter, Max Nicholson to Jack Pritchard, 30/7/32?]

PP/4/1/16/31 - [Letter, Max Nicholson to Jack Pritchard, 30/7/32?]

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[Letter, Max Nicholson to Jack Pritchard, 30/7/32?]
Quantity & Format
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Personal name
Keely, E. P
Blake, A. E.
Spicer, Robert S.
Zvegintzov, Michael
Clark, N. J. Gordon
Smith, N
Sieff, Israel,
Nicholson, Max,
Pritchard, John Craven,
Administrative/Biographical history
Scope and content
Max Nicholson has received Jack Pritchard's telegram [replying to PP/4/1/16/30?] and read it to the [TEC PLAN] Group "which was suitably amused". No group action will be taken until after Jack's return [from Cornwall]. The group was divided as to the policy to adopt" Blake and Keely were for shaking the dust of PEP off our feet; Gordon Clark, Smith & Bobby [Spicer] favoured taking an independent line within PEP & putting on us of action on him; Zog was non-commital and inclined to side with Industry gp. Nicholson adds that he is "lunching with Sieff this week".
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