PP/39/1/33/1 - [Letter, Daisy Postgate to Philip Harben, 11/5/47]
[Letter, Daisy Postgate to Philip Harben, 11/5/47]
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Rationing, Consumer
Harben, Philip. recipient
Daisy Postgate asks whether Philip Harben's company can provide chairs, crockery and cutlery, and says that if the vegetables can be prepared in advance she will do the cooking herself. Discusses whether certain foods are available and on what to spend any spare ration points.
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/39 - [Half Hundred Club]
PP/39/1 - [Half Hundred Club. Dinners]
PP/39/1/33 - [Half Hundred Club Dinner, directed by Daisy Postgate, 21/5/47]
- PP/39/1/33/1 - [Letter, Daisy Postgate to Philip Harben, 11/5/47]
PP/39/1/33 - [Half Hundred Club Dinner, directed by Daisy Postgate, 21/5/47]
PP/39/1 - [Half Hundred Club. Dinners]
PP/39 - [Half Hundred Club]