PP/39/1/23/2 - [Letter, Jack Pritchard to George and Fanny Cooke, 6/3/39]
[Letter, Jack Pritchard to George and Fanny Cooke, 6/3/39]
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Cooke, George B. recipient
Cooke, Fanny. recipient
Pritchard invites George and Fanny Cooke to the next Half Hundred Club dinner as guests of himself and Molly [Pritchard]. He urges the Cookes to be on time or risk an "impoliteness fee."
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/39 - [Half Hundred Club]
PP/39/1 - [Half Hundred Club. Dinners]
PP/39/1/23 - [Half Hundred Club Dinner, directed by W.R. Bion, 20/3/39]
- PP/39/1/23/2 - [Letter, Jack Pritchard to George and Fanny Cooke, 6/3/39]
PP/39/1/23 - [Half Hundred Club Dinner, directed by W.R. Bion, 20/3/39]
PP/39/1 - [Half Hundred Club. Dinners]
PP/39 - [Half Hundred Club]