PP/34/1/A/42 - Christmas greetings from Mansfield Forbes
Christmas greetings from Mansfield Forbes
Greetings cards
Finella (House, Cambridge)
Half-tone, showing a view of the interior of 'Finella'
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/34 - Mansfield Forbes and literature relating to Cambridge, 1928-1932 [sic]
PP/34/1/A - Mansfield Forbes and Raymond McGrath, 1928-1936 : correspondence
- PP/34/1/A/42 - Christmas greetings from Mansfield Forbes
PP/34/1/A - Mansfield Forbes and Raymond McGrath, 1928-1936 : correspondence
PP/34 - Mansfield Forbes and literature relating to Cambridge, 1928-1932 [sic]