PP/28/1/1/1/5 - The Future of the D.I.A. [undated]
The Future of the D.I.A. [undated]
2 leaves
Quantrill, Malcolm. recipient
Turley, Richard. recipient
Scheer, Ian. recipient
Salmon, Geoffrey. recipient
Julius, Rosamind. recipient
Hayes, Crofton. recipient
Geffen, Ivan. recipient
Davis, D. D. recipient
Dixon, W. D. recipient
Clarke, P. recipient
Pollock, Diana. recipient
Patten, Simon Nelson. recipient
Smith, S. recipient
Plummer, Raymond. recipient
Stone, Eileen. recipient
Discussion paper prepared by Milliken and distributed to Executive Committee members for debate. Milliken suggests the D.I.A. must be prepared for a radical overhaul in policy-making and administration if necessary. Sent to R. Turley, I. Scheer, G. Salmon, R. Julius, C. Hayes, I. Geffen, D.D. Davis, W.D. Dixon, P. Clarke, D. Pollock, N.C. Patten, S. Smith, R. Plummer, and E. Stone.