PP/27/1/27 - [Letter, Philip Sargant Florence to Jack & Molly Pritchard, 5/9/77]
[Letter, Philip Sargant Florence to Jack & Molly Pritchard, 5/9/77]
1 leaf Letters (MS)
Pease, Helen
Pritchard, John Craven, recipient
Refers to Philip Sargant Florence visiting the Pritchards. Mentions staying with Helen Pearse. Annotated concerning reply and train times.
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/27 - Correspondence with Professor Philip and Mrs Lella Sargant-Florence
PP/27/1 - Philip & Lella Sargant Florence correspondence 1934-1979
- PP/27/1/27 - [Letter, Philip Sargant Florence to Jack & Molly Pritchard, 5/9/77]
PP/27/1 - Philip & Lella Sargant Florence correspondence 1934-1979
PP/27 - Correspondence with Professor Philip and Mrs Lella Sargant-Florence