PP/18/3/23/3/6 - [Photograph of Wilhelm Kienzle's picture frames]
[Photograph of Wilhelm Kienzle's picture frames]
Photographs (monochrome)
Photograph shows the frames in use in an exhibition.
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/18 - Isokon Furniture Company
PP/18/3 - Patents, Designs, and Licensing Agreements
PP/18/3/23 - [Agreements with Wilhelm Kienzle]
PP/18/3/23/3 - [Agreement on Wilhelm Kienzle's picture frames]
- PP/18/3/23/3/6 - [Photograph of Wilhelm Kienzle's picture frames]
PP/18/3/23/3 - [Agreement on Wilhelm Kienzle's picture frames]
PP/18/3/23 - [Agreements with Wilhelm Kienzle]
PP/18/3 - Patents, Designs, and Licensing Agreements
PP/18 - Isokon Furniture Company