PP/1/3/4/25 - [Letter, Jack Pritchard to Richard Carr, 1/8/68]
[Letter, Jack Pritchard to Richard Carr, 1/8/68]
1 leaf Letters (MS)
Pritchard, Jonathan
Morris, Henry, 1889-1961
Morris, Henry, 1889-1961
Furniture Development Council
Furniture Industry Research Association
Furniture Industry Research Association
Carr, Richard recipient
Pritchard refers to a number of items Carr has borrowed [to research the biography of Pritchard]. Mentions Jonathan [Pritchard], F[urniture] D[evelopment] C[ouncil], F[urniture] I[ndustries] R[esearch] A[ssociation], and Henry Morris.
PP - Pritchard Papers
PP/1 - Biographical Papers of Jack Pritchard
PP/1/3 - [Personal papers 1941-1980]
PP/1/3/4 - [Papers relating to books about Jack Pritchard]
- PP/1/3/4/25 - [Letter, Jack Pritchard to Richard Carr, 1/8/68]
PP/1/3/4 - [Papers relating to books about Jack Pritchard]
PP/1/3 - [Personal papers 1941-1980]
PP/1 - Biographical Papers of Jack Pritchard
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