PC/6/1/FOR - Forchhammer, Bergit (translator)
Forchhammer, Bergit (translator)
5 items Mixed
Forchhammer, Bergit, 1921-2011
Danish author Bergit Forchhammer writes to PC asking if she'd be interested in translating her book 'Venligsindet Fjende / Friendly Enemy Alien and publishing it in the UK.
Includes 3 foreign press articles, one includes a photograph of Forchhammer.
Includes 3 foreign press articles, one includes a photograph of Forchhammer.
PC - Patricia Crampton Archive
PC/6 - Professional Correspondence and Papers
PC/6/1 - Professional Correspondence and Papers, A-Z
- PC/6/1/FOR - Forchhammer, Bergit (translator)
PC/6/1 - Professional Correspondence and Papers, A-Z
PC/6 - Professional Correspondence and Papers