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MC/19 - Box 19 Loneliness and Time - research papers

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Box 19 Loneliness and Time - research papers
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1 box Mixed
Scope and content
MC focuses on seven figures – Harry St. John Philby (1885-1960), Wilfred Thesiger (1910-2003), Laurens Van der Post (1906-1996), Gavin Maxwell (1914-1969), Lawrence Durrell (1912-1990), Patrick Leigh Fermor (1915-2011) and the Himalayan explorer Frederick Bailey (1882-1967) – analysing the relationship between their lives and their published works, and identifying a number of key themes that recur in the experiences of all these men.

Contains correspondence; chapter outlines and drafts; typed notes on recorded interviews; MC’s handwritten notes on published travel writing works; photocopied chapters of published works; journal articles; biographical information.

See also box 20.

The correspondents include some prominent writers and explorers. The letters relate to MC’s research, arrangements for visits and interviews, comments and feedback on 'Loneliness and Time' as well as MC’s comments on other writers’ works.

ASHER, Michael (author, historian, ecologist, explorer) (re biography on Wilfred Thesiger; subsequently published as Thesiger in 1995).
BAILEY, FREDERICK MARSHAM (Correspondence concerning Bailey)

- ACKERY, P.R. (Natural History Museum, Lepidoptera Section). Re Frederick Marsham Bailey who used butterfly collecting ‘as a cover for some more dubious activities’.
- BAILEY, P.I.E. (relative of Frederick Marsham Bailey). BLAKE, D.M. (India Office Library and Records, The British Library).
- BRITISH MUSEUM see Dorothy Norman.
- COZENS-HARDY, Beryl. Discusses Eric Bailey with Mrs I.M. Portal.
- NORMAN, Dorothy (Archivist, Department of Library Services, The British Museum (Natural History))
- HUMPHRIES, John (of Rickinghall. ‘Thank you’ card re 'Loneliness and Time'.
- PORTAL, Iris
- TALBOT RICE, E. (Research & Information Officer of the National Army Museum). Re sound archives on Bailey.

DIGBY, Susan. Re her grandfather Bassett Digby who was a WWI correspondent, free-lance journalist and traveller. FERMOR, Patrick Leigh. Includes two letters from Fermor in Greece. He writes on the genre of travel writing. Transcripts included, 1989-1991.
GITTINS, John. Compliments MC on 'Loneliness and Time' and asks ‘but what of Freya Stark and Doughty?’
HATT, John (of Eland Books). Concerns Laurens Van der Post and the publishing business; honey guide bird; cormorant fishing; Richard Meinertzhagen. There are several letters between MC and Hatt.
HUXLEY, Elspeth. Includes letters from Huxley which primarily comment on Richard Meinertzhagen and arrangements for MC to meet her.
LANGLADE, Laurent. Re Laurie Lee.
LEWIS, Norman MC describes his treks in Nepal to the travel writer Lewis (1908-2003); includes a letter from Lewis. MAXWELL, Gavin (Correspondence concerning Maxwell, author of 'Ring of Bright Waters')

- BOTT, Michael (Keeper of Archives, University of Reading). Re Gavin Maxwell’s papers.
- BOTTING, Douglas. Re 'Gavin Maxwell: a Life'; and co-operating with Maxwell’s literary estate. There are 10 letter from MC to DB and 9 letters and cards from DB to MC.
- EASTON, Lindsay. Re article on Maxwell from 'Scotland on Sunday'.
- FRERE, Richard. Frere was Maxwell’s manager; refers to Douglas Botting’s research for his book on Maxwell.
- JOHNSTON, C.C. (Registrar, National Register of Archives (Scotland) re tracing Maxwell’s papers.
- MAXWELL, Michael (nephew of Maxwell).
- NAIPAUL, VIDIAHAR SARAJPRASAD. MC asks to meet to discuss travel writing.
- SARGENT, R.J. (Curatorial Officer of The Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts). Re Maxwell’s papers which were found to be partially held at the University of Reading.

MOORHOUSE, Geoffrey (1931-2009). Includes letters from Moorhouse, a travel writer on the Sahara. MC arranges to meet him.
MURRAY, John (Publishers). MC tries to arrange an interview with Patrick Leigh Fermor.
NEWBY, Eric. Includes a letter from travel writer Newby (1918-2006) declining to assist MC.
RABAN, Jonathan. MC asks to meet the travel writer and novelist.
RADFORD, Tim. Letter from MC of a general nature.
ROYAL GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY (Librarian). MC asks if there is a publication on the history of the Society. SHAKESPEARE, Nicholas (Literary Editor, The Daily Telegraph). Shakespeare does not wish to discuss travel writer Bruce Chatwin.
SINCLAIR, Joseph T. Re his reading of 'Loneliness and Time'.
[SURNAME UNKNOWN], Steve. Re the discovery of Thesiger’s lost journals and the missing diaries of WWI correspondent William Howard Russell.
THACKRAY, J.C. (Archivist, Department of Library Services, The British Museum (Natural History). Re Frederick Marsham Bailey.
THESIGER, Wilfred. MC requests an interview with Thesiger; in a thank you letter to Thesiger MC reflects on the interview.
THUBRON, Colin. MC writes ‘the problem with interviewing travel writers is that they are always travelling’. Included is a letter from Thubron.
VAN DER POST, Laurens (Correspondence concerning Van der Post).

- BREWSTER, Jane (Assistant to Laurens Van der Post). Van der Post declines to meet MC.
- CLANCEY, Phillip (an African naturalist). Re the characters of Van der Post and Richard Meinertzhagen.
- HISLOP, Ian. Letter from MC to Hislop (of Private Eye news magazine) asking why he thinks Van der Post is such an appropriate figure for British humour.
- FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE LIBRARY. Concerns documents on the Forestry Department in Nyasaland in particular the reporting of a drowning of a forester in 1949 which constitutes a major element in Van der Post’s book.
- ROYAL COMMONWEALTH SOCIETY, Librarian. Concerns documents on Nyasaland forestry.
- TAYLOR, Jane. MC requests an interview with Taylor concerning Van Der Post. Taylor agrees.

WILCOX, Jill. (Information Officer, UNICEF UK). Re statistics on Mediterranean peasants.
YOUNG, Gavin. MC requests an interview.

'Sting and a Prayer'. (Printed journal article by John Hatt on the African honeyguide).
African theme: two dominant themes about Africa: 'Heart of Darkness'; noble savage. (Notes).
Wandering towards Wum. (Photocopied page of printed chapter).
'North of South' by Shiva Naipaul (brother of V.S. Naipaul). (Notes).
'Behind God’s Back' by Negley Farson. (Notes).
'The Fearful Void' by Geoffrey Moorhouse. (Notes).
'No Room in the Ark' by Alan Minehead. (Notes).
'In Ethiopia with a Mule' by Dervla Murphy. (Notes).
'Inside Africa', by John Gunther. (Notes).
'In Darkest Africa' by H.M. Stanley. (Notes).
'A Bibliography of Criticism of Southern African Literature in English' compiled by Barbara Richter and Sandra Kotze. (Photocopied extract). With photocopied press-cuttings on Laurens Van der Post.
Article by Frank McLynn 'A Walk Across Africa' in 'The Daily Mail Story of Scotland'. With a letter from McLynn to MC.

Report on the Kashgar Mission, 1918-20. Photocopy of MSS supplied by the India Office Library and Records.
Amnesty International Report, 1991.
'A Dragon Apparent: Travels in Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam', by Norman Lewis. (Notes).

'Greece the Dark Crystal'. (Notes).
'Byzantine Empire'. (Photocopy extract from published work).
'The Metamorphosis of Greece since WWII' by W.H. McNeill. (Notes).
'Voices of the Old Sea' by Norman Lewis. (Notes).
'The Kingdom by the Sea' by Paul Theroux. (Notes).
'The Colossus of Maroussi' by Henry Miller. (Notes).
'Economic Survey of Europe' by the Economic Commission for Europe. (Notes).
'Journey into Cypress' by Colin Thubron. (Notes).

Notes on published works.
Catalogue of 'The European Manuscripts' at the India Office Library and Records, March 1985. (Leaflet).
Frank Ludlow and the English School in Tibet, 1923-26 by Michael Rank. Asian Affairs, Vol. 34, no.1.
Interview with Iris Portal, 1989. (MC’s typed notes).
Newsletter of Tibet Support Group UK. Issue no. 8, January 1992.
Tibet Foundation Newsletter. Nos. 7, 9, 1991.
An imperial tragedy by Steve Snelling. EDP Sunday, 13/12/03. (Press-cutting).
'Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet: Gallery Guide.' Royal Academy of Arts, 1992.
Notes on the regions of Thahali and the people of Dolpo.
Where the 'Indus is Young' by Dervla Murphy. (Notes).
'Slowly Down the Ganges' by Eric Newby. (Notes).
'Riddle of the Tsangpo Gorges' by Frank Kingdon-Ward. (Notes).
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