LC/5/2/KIL/18 - Postcard, David Highfill to Lee Child, 18/10/96
Postcard, David Highfill to Lee Child, 18/10/96
1 Postcards
Child, Lee recipient
Postcard to inform Lee Child that the 'Galleys are in!' and that several have been sent out for quotes (possibly from other authors?); postcard is dated American style as 10/18 (and with no year); based on content (and that it follows on from reference to bound galleys in LC/5/3/KIL/17 [Letter, David Highfill to Lee, 1/10/96]) the likelihood is that it was written on 18/10/96.
LC - Lee Child Archive
LC/5 - Publishing Correspondence
LC/5/2 - Editorial by title
LC/5/2/KIL - Killing Floor
- LC/5/2/KIL/18 - Postcard, David Highfill to Lee Child, 18/10/96
LC/5/2/KIL - Killing Floor
LC/5/2 - Editorial by title
LC/5 - Publishing Correspondence