LC/5/2/KIL/14 - Letter, David Highfill to Lee Child, 15/8/96]
Letter, David Highfill to Lee Child, 15/8/96]
1 leaf Letters (typescript)
Child, Lee recipient
Letter to accompany 'manuscript with queries from the copyeditor' of 'Killing Floor' (further research needed to determine if this particular typescript is in the archive).
'The head copyeditor (here at Putnam) did say that this lady (Dorian Hastings) loved the book, though that's not entirely clear. (She's hired to be picky-picky-picky. That's the job.)'
'The head copyeditor (here at Putnam) did say that this lady (Dorian Hastings) loved the book, though that's not entirely clear. (She's hired to be picky-picky-picky. That's the job.)'
LC - Lee Child Archive
LC/5 - Publishing Correspondence
LC/5/2 - Editorial by title
LC/5/2/KIL - Killing Floor
- LC/5/2/KIL/14 - Letter, David Highfill to Lee Child, 15/8/96]
LC/5/2/KIL - Killing Floor
LC/5/2 - Editorial by title
LC/5 - Publishing Correspondence