LC/5/2/KIL/1 - Notes by Child of phone conversation with DH (presumed to be David Highfill), 22/2/96]
Notes by Child of phone conversation with DH (presumed to be David Highfill), 22/2/96]
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The letter of same date, LC/5/2/KIL/2, refers to David Highfill having just had a conversation with Lee, so this item is probably Lee’s record of that.
Handwritten record of phone conversation.
‘Needs to be shorter + faster’
'Conversations esp. need to be cut’
Handwritten record of phone conversation.
‘Needs to be shorter + faster’
'Conversations esp. need to be cut’
LC - Lee Child Archive
LC/5 - Publishing Correspondence
LC/5/2 - Editorial by title
LC/5/2/KIL - Killing Floor
- LC/5/2/KIL/1 - Notes by Child of phone conversation with DH (presumed to be David Highfill), 22/2/96]
LC/5/2/KIL - Killing Floor
LC/5/2 - Editorial by title
LC/5 - Publishing Correspondence
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