LC/5/1/DAR/12 - Letter, Darley Anderson to Lee Child, 21/9/95
Letter, Darley Anderson to Lee Child, 21/9/95
1 leaf Letters (MS)
Child, Lee recipient
‘Here is my modified version of your copy. We can stay with "Bad Luck and Trouble" for the moment as that’s what the Americans are going with.’
‘Can I have some idea of what your next novel is going to be about?’
With LC/5/DAR/13.
‘Can I have some idea of what your next novel is going to be about?’
With LC/5/DAR/13.
LC - Lee Child Archive
LC/5 - Publishing Correspondence
LC/5/1 - A-Z Correspondence
LC/5/1/DAR - Darley Anderson Literary Agency
- LC/5/1/DAR/12 - Letter, Darley Anderson to Lee Child, 21/9/95
LC/5/1/DAR - Darley Anderson Literary Agency
LC/5/1 - A-Z Correspondence
LC/5 - Publishing Correspondence