LC/5/1/BAN/58 - Notecard, Sharon Propson to Lee Child, December 2012?
Notecard, Sharon Propson to Lee Child, December 2012?
December 2012
1 Notecard
Child, Lee recipient
Sharon thanks LC for putting his trust in her and allowing her to take the publicity reigns for him and Reacher. "Thank you for seeing something in me, those many moons ago."
LC - Lee Child Archive
LC/5 - Publishing Correspondence
LC/5/1 - A-Z Correspondence
LC/5/1/BAN - Bantam Dell Publishing Group
- LC/5/1/BAN/58 - Notecard, Sharon Propson to Lee Child, December 2012?
LC/5/1/BAN - Bantam Dell Publishing Group
LC/5/1 - A-Z Correspondence
LC/5 - Publishing Correspondence
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