LC/2/1/FRE - Fresh Blood: 3
Fresh Blood: 3
6 items
[Fresh Blood 3 included LC's story: 'James Penney's New Identity'].
Letter, 24/9/98 from editors Mike Ripley and Maxim Jakubowski asking LC to contribute (with compliments slip from Kerith of Darley Anderson Agency).
Letter, 18/11/99 from Jim Driver (Publisher at The-Do-Not-Press) who thanks LC for donating his fee to the launch party. Jim thanks LC for his story which he thought was "the highlight of the book."
Letter, 24/9/98 from editors Mike Ripley and Maxim Jakubowski asking LC to contribute (with compliments slip from Kerith of Darley Anderson Agency).
Letter, 18/11/99 from Jim Driver (Publisher at The-Do-Not-Press) who thanks LC for donating his fee to the launch party. Jim thanks LC for his story which he thought was "the highlight of the book."
LC - Lee Child Archive
LC/2 - Anthologies, Short Stories and Contributions
LC/2/1 - Anthologies
- LC/2/1/FRE - Fresh Blood: 3
LC/2/1 - Anthologies
LC/2 - Anthologies, Short Stories and Contributions