KP/JK/4/3/7 - Suffragette Fellowship Newsletter, 1957
Suffragette Fellowship Newsletter, 1957
September 1957
1 Leaflet
Jessie Kenney’s tribute to Vera Wentworth of September 1957 recalls the life and achievements of her suffragette friend and colleague. “Vera was one of the early members of the WSPU [Women’s Social and Political Union] and a great worker for the Suffragette Movement,” Jessie writes. “From the moment that she volunteered to help there was nothing that she would not do. She gave out handball, chalked pavements, sold the paper at street corners, spoke at outdoor meetings, went to prison and was forcibly fed.” Jessie recalls their stay at Holloway Prison, where they played “follow my leader” and got in trouble. She also writes about Vera’s life outside the Movement, particularly her war work and writing.
Contributions from Jessie Kenney and B.M. Pearson.
Contributions from Jessie Kenney and B.M. Pearson.
Copyright: Estate of Jessie Kenney. All rights reserved.
KP - The Kenney Papers
KP/JK - Jessie Kenney
KP/JK/4 - Writings
KP/JK/4/3 - Miscellaneous Writings
- KP/JK/4/3/7 - Suffragette Fellowship Newsletter, 1957
KP/JK/4/3 - Miscellaneous Writings
KP/JK/4 - Writings
KP/JK - Jessie Kenney
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