JH/TRA/6/1/6/2 - [Taiwan (Formosa) 8-20/9/57 : itinerary, notes, etc.]
Sub sub file
[Taiwan (Formosa) 8-20/9/57 : itinerary, notes, etc.]
10 items Mixed
Contents include: an MS notebook with reference no. FE/57/2 in which JH recorded his observations of the visit; one leaf of MS notes headed 'Formosa. Visit'; one leaf of MS headed 'Guest List' [for a dinner, 9/9/57?]; one leaf of MS notes headed 'Kinmen' [Quemoy]; a four-leaf MS headed 'Eastern Daily Press. Day Trip to Quemoy, by John Hill' and a three-leaf typescript of the same, with MS additions; and 'Disputed Island. Day Trip to Quemoy', by JH - cutting from 'Eastern Daily Press, 4/9/58.
JH - Hill Papers
JH/TRA - [JH's travels]
JH/TRA/6 - [Travel 1957]
JH/TRA/6/1 - [Southeast Asia 27/8/57-24/9/57]
JH/TRA/6/1/6 - [Taiwan (Formosa) 8/9/57-20/9/57]
- JH/TRA/6/1/6/2 - [Taiwan (Formosa) 8-20/9/57 : itinerary, notes, etc.]
JH/TRA/6/1/6 - [Taiwan (Formosa) 8/9/57-20/9/57]
JH/TRA/6/1 - [Southeast Asia 27/8/57-24/9/57]
JH/TRA/6 - [Travel 1957]
JH/TRA - [JH's travels]