JH/POL/EUR/17 - [Ethyl alcohol]
[Ethyl alcohol]
32 items Mixed
Scotch Whisky Association
Distillers Company Ltd
Imperial Chemical Industries
Chemical Industries Association
European Council of Chemical Manufacturers' Federations
Scotch Whisky Association
Distillers Company Ltd
Imperial Chemical Industries
Chemical Industries Association
European Council of Chemical Manufacturers' Federations
Contains a draft regulation and working documents on the organisation of the market in ethyl alcohol; briefing notes; correspondence with, and papers from, the Scotch Whisky Association, The Distillers Company, ICI, Chemical Industries Association, and the European Council of Chemical Manufacturers' Federations expressing their views.
JH - Hill Papers
JH/POL - [Political papers]
JH/POL/EUR - [European papers]
- JH/POL/EUR/17 - [Ethyl alcohol]
JH/POL/EUR - [European papers]
JH/POL - [Political papers]